SAP MM T Codes ( Transaction Codes ) ( Material Management )
Following is the list of sap mm tcodes :
Purchasing tcodes – MM – PUR
T Code | Description |
MK01 | Create Vendor ( Purchasing ) |
MK02 | Change Vendor ( Purchasing ) |
MK03 | Display Vendor (Purchasing ) |
MK04 | |
MK05 | Block Vendor ( Purchasing ) |
MK06 | Mark Vendor for Deletion (Purchasing) |
MK12 | Change Vendor ( Purchasing ) Planned |
MK14 | Planned Vendor Change ( Purchasing ) |
MK19 | Display Vendor Purchasing ( Future ) |
MKH3 | Activate Vendor Master ( Online ) |
MKH4 | Activate Vendors ( Batch Input ) |
MKVZ | List of Vendors : Purchasing |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22N | Change Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME24 | Maintain Purchase Order Supplement |
ME25 | Create PO with Source Determination |
ME28 | Release Purchase Order |
ME29N | Release Purchase Order |
ME2A | Monitor Cofirmations |
ME2B | POs by Requirement Tracking Number |
ME2C | Purchase Orders by Material Group |
ME2J | Purchase Order for Project |
ME2K | Purchase Orders by Account Assignment |
ME2L | Purchase Orders by Vendors |
ME2M | Purchase Orders by Material |
ME2N | Purcase Orders by PO Number |
ME2O | SC Stock Monitoring ( Vendor ) |
ME2V | Goods Receipt Forecast |
ME2W | Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant |
ME41 | Create Request For Quotation |
ME42 | Change Request For Quotation |
ME43 | Display Request For Quotation |
ME44 | Maintain RFQ Supplement |
ME45 | Release RFQ |
ME47 | Create Quotation |
ME48 | Display Quotation |
ME49 | Price Comparison List |
ME4B | RFQ's by Requirement Tracking Number |
ME4C | RFQ's by Material Group |
ME4L | RFQ's by Vendor |
ME4M | RFQ's by Material |
ME4N | RFQ's by RFQ Number |
ME4S | RFQ's by Collective Number |
ME51N | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52N | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME53N | Display Purchase Requisition |
ME54N | Release Purchase Requisition |
ME55 | Collective Release of Purchase Requ. |
ME56 | Assign Source to Purchase Requisition |
ME57 | Assign and Process Requisitions |
ME58 | Ordering : Assigned Requisitions |
ME59N | Automtic generation of POs |
ME5A | Purchase Requisitions : List Display |
ME5F | Release Reminder : Purchase Requisition |
ME5J | Purchase Requisition for Project |
ME5K | Requitions by Account Assignment |
ME5R | Archived Purchase Requisitions |
ME5W | Resubmission of Purchase Requisitions |
MM01 | Create Material |
MM02 | Change Material |
MM03 | Display Material |
MM04 | Display Material Change Documents |
MM06 | Flag Material for Deletion |
MM11 | Schedule Creation of Material |
MM12 | Schedule Changing of Material |
MM13 | Activate Planned Changes |
MM14 | Display Planned Changes |
MM16 | Schedule Material for Deletion |
MM17 | Mass Maintenance: Indus. Matl. Master |
MM19 | Display Material at Key Date |
MM50 | List Extendable Materials |
MM60 | Materials List |
MM71 | Reorganize Materials |
MMAM | Change Material Type |
MMB1 | Create Semifinished Product |
MMBE | Stock Overview |
MMF1 | Create finished Product |
MMG1 | Create Returnable Packaging |
MMH1 | Create Trading Goods |
MMI1 | Create Operating Supplies |
MMK1 | Create Configurable Material |
MML1 | Create Empties |
MMN1 | Create Non-Stock Material |
MMNR | Define Material Master Number Ranges |
MMP1 | Create Maintenance Assembly |
MMR1 | Create Raw Material |
MMS1 | Create Service |
MMSC | Enter Storage Locations Collective |
MMU1 | Create Non-Valuated Material |
MMV1 | Create Packaging |
MMW1 | Create Competitor Product |
ME31K | Create Contract |
ME31L | Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32K | Change Contract |
ME32L | Change Scheduling Agreement |
ME33K | Display Contract |
ME33L | Display Scheduling Agreement |
ME34K | Maintain Contract Supplement |
ME34L | Mainain Sched. Agreement Supplement |
ME35K | Release Contract |
ME35L | Release Scheduling Agreement |
ME37 | Create Transport Scheduling Agmt. |
ME38 | Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule |
ME39 | Display Sched. Agreement Sch.(TEST) |
ME3B | Outline Agreements per Req.Number |
ME3C | Outline Agreement per Vendor |
ME3J | Outline Agreements per Project |
ME3K | Outline Agree. per Acct. Assignments |
ME3L | Outline Agreements per Vendor |
ME3M | Outline Agreements by Material |
ME3P | Recalculate Contract Price |
ME3R | Recalculate Sch. Agreement Price |
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME03 | Display Source List |
ME04 | Change Source List |
ME05 | Generate Source List |
ME06 | Analyze Source List |
ME07 | Reorganize Source List |
ME0M | Source List for Material |
ME11 | Create Purchasing Info Record |
ME12 | Change Purchasing Info Record |
ME13 | Display Purchasing Info Record |
ME14 | Changes to Purchasing Info Record |
ME15 | Flag Purch. Info Record for Deletion |
ME16 | Purchasing Info Record for Deletion |
ME17 | Archive Info Record |
ME1A | Archived Purchasing Info Records |
ME1B | Redetermine Info Record Price |
ME1E | Quotation Price History |
ME1L | Info Records per Vendor |
ME1M | Info Records per Material |
ME1P | Purchase Order Price History |
ME1W | Info Records per Material Group |
ME1X | Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendor |
ME1Y | Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Material |
ME61 | Maintain Vendor Evaluation |
ME62 | Display Vendor Evaluation |
ME63 | Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria |
ME64 | Evaluation Comparison |
ME65 | Evaluation Lists |
ME6A | Changes to Vendor Evaluation |
ME6B | Display Vendor Evaluan. for Material |
ME6C | Vendors Without Evaluation |
ME6D | Vendors Not Evaluated Since.. |
ME6E | Evaluation Records Without Weighting |
ME6F | |
ME6G | Vendor Evaluation in Background |
ME6H | Standard Analysis : Vendor Evaluation |
ME80AN | General Analysis (A) |
ME80FN | General Analysis (F) |
ME80RN | General Analysis (L,K) |
ME81N | Analysis of Order Values |
ME82 | Arhived Purchasing Documents |
ME84 | Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases |
ME85 | Renumber Schedule Lines |
ME86 | Aggregate Schedule Lines |
ME87 | Summarize PO History |
ME88 | Set Agr. Cum. Qty./ Reconcil. Date |
ME91A | Urge Submission of Quotations |
ME91E | Sch. Agmt. Schedules : Urging/ Remind. |
ME91F | Purchase Orders : Urging Reminders |
ME92F | Monitor Order Acknowledgement |
ME92K | Monitor Order Acknowledgement |
ME92L | Monitor Order Acknowledgement |
ME97 | Archive Purchase Requisition |
ME98 | Archive Purchasing Documents |
ME9A | Message Output : RFQ's |
ME9E | Message Output : Sch. Agmt. Schedules |
ME9F | Message Output : Purchase Orders |
ME9K | Message Output : Contracts |
ME9L | Message Output : Sch. Agmt. |
MEAN | Deliery Addresses |
MECCM | Send Purchasing Data for Catalog |
MEK1 | Create Conditions ( Purchasing ) |
MEK2 | Change Conditions ( Purchasing ) |
MEK3 | Display Conditions ( Purchasing ) |
MEK32 | Condition Maintenance : Change |
MEK4 | Create Conditions ( Purchasing ) |
MEKA | Conditions : General Overview |
MEKB | Conditions by Contract |
MEKC | Conditions by Info Record |
MEKD | Conditions by Material Group |
MEKE | Conditions by Vendor |
MEKF | Conditions for Material Type |
MEKG | Conditions for Condition Group |
MEKH | Market Price |
MEKI | Conditions for Incoterms |
MEKJ | Conditions for Invoicing Party |
MEKK | Conditions for Vendor Sub Range |
MEKL | Price Change : Scheduling Agreements |
MEKP | Price Change : Info Record |
MEKR | Price Change : Contract |
MELB | Purch. Transactions by Tracking Number |
MEMASSCON-TRACT | Mass Changing of Contracts |
MEMASSIN | Mass Changing of Purch. Info Records |
MEMASSPO | Mass Change of Purchase Orders |
MEMASSRQ | Mass Changing of Purch. Requisition |
MEMASSSA | Mass Changing of Sched. Agreements |
MEQ1 | Maintain Quota Arrangement |
MEQ3 | Display Quota Arrangement |
MEQ4 | Changes to Quota Arrangement |
MEQ6 | Analyze Quota Arrangement |
MEQ7 | Reorganize Quota Arrangement |
MEQ8 | Monitor Quota Arrangements |
MEQM | Quota Arrangement for Material |
MN01 | Create Message : RFQ |
MN02 | Change Message : RFQ |
MN03 | Display Message : RFQ |
MN04 | Create Message : PO |
MN05 | Change Message : PO |
MN06 | Display Message : PO |
MN07 | Create Message : Outline Agmt. |
MN08 | Change Message : Outline Agmt. |
MN09 | Display Message : Outline Agmt. |
MN10 | Create Message : Sch. Agmt. Schedule |
MN11 | Change Message : Sch. Agmt. Schedule |
MN12 | Display Message : Sch. Agmt. Schedule |
MN24 | Create Message : Shipping Notification |
MN25 | Change Message: Shipping Notification |
MN26 | Display Message : Shipping Notification |
MP01 | Maintain AMPL Records |
MP02 | Display AMPL Records |
MPAD | Delete Archived Matterials from AMPL |
MPAR | Archive Final Issue Materials |
MPAV | Manage Archive for Manufacture Parts |
VL31N | Create Inbound Delivery |
VL32N | Change Inbound Delivery |
VL33N | Display Inbound Delivery |
VL75 | Shipping Notification Output |
Showing 1 to 230 of 230 entries
Inventory Management tcodes – MM – IM
T Code | Use For |
MIGO | Goods Movement |
MB1B | Transfer Posting |
MB51 | Material Doc. List |
MB1A | Goods Withdrawal |
MB1C | Other Goods Receipts |
MB5B | Stocks for Posting Date |
MB52 | List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand |
MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for PO |
MB31 | Goods Receipt for Production Order |
OMJJ | Customizing: New Movement Types |
MB21 | Create Reservation |
MBST | Cancel Material Document |
MB90 | Output Processing for Mat. Documents |
MB5L | List of Stock Values: Balances |
MB5T | List of Stock Values: Balances |
MI01 | Create Physical Inventory Document |
MI07 | Process List of Differences |
OMWD | C RM-MAT MB Grouping Valuation Area |
MB11 | Goods Movement |
MB03 | Display Material Document |
MI04 | Enter Inventory Count with Document |
MI31 | Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc. |
MI10 | Create List of Differences w/o Doc. |
OMWB | C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu. |
MICN | Batch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Counting |
MB5S | Display List of GR/IR Balances |
OX18 | Assignment Plants -> Company Code |
MIGO_GR | Goods Movement |
MB25 | Reservation List |
MB22 | Change Reservation |
MB02 | Change Material Document |
MBLB | Stocks at Subcontractor |
OMWN | MM-IM: Acct Group. Code for Mvt.Type |
MI34 | Batch Input: Enter Count |
OMSK | C MM-BD Valuation Classes T025 |
OMCQ | Settings for System Messages |
MN21 | Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
OX10 | Customize plant |
MBRL | Return Delivery for Matl Document |
OMBT | Number Ranges: Mat. Doc./Phys.Inventory |
MBBS | Display valuated special stock |
MI02 | Change Physical Inventory Document |
MR51 | Material Line Items |
MI20 | Print List of Differences |
MB0A | Post Goods Receipt for PO |
OX09 | Customize storage locations |
OMWC | C MM-IV Split Material Valuation |
MBVR | Management Program: Reservations |
MB58 | Consignment and Ret. Packag. at Customer |
MB04 | Subsequent Adjustment of "Mat.Provided"Consmp. |
MIGO_GI | Goods Movement |
MB23 | Display Reservation |
OMJ5 | Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Level |
MI21 | Print physical inventory document |
MB59 | Material Doc. List |
OMBW | Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement |
MIBC | ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting |
OMJX | GR Field Selection From Procurement |
MB5M | BBD/Prod. Date |
MI09 | Enter Inventory Count w/o Document |
MB53 | Display Plant Stock Availability |
OMCV | Classify Batches |
MIGO_TR | Transfer Posting |
OMJ7 | Plant/Val.- Divis. -> Busin.Ar. |
MB24 | Reservation List |
OMCG | Search Procedures: Batch Determ. MM |
OMCT | Batch Definition |
MI22 | Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Material |
MI03 | Display Physical Inventory Document |
OMJ1 | Allow Negative Stocks |
MI24 | Physical Inventory List |
OMBA | Number Assgmt. for Accounting Docs |
MPAR | Archive final issue materials |
MI11 | Recount Physical Inventory Document |
MN22 | Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
MBSM | Display Cancelled Material Docs. |
OMBZ | Rev. GR Despite Invoice |
OMW0 | C MM-IV Control Valuation |
OMBR | General Print Settings |
MIK1 | Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons |
OMC0 | Tolerance Limits for Goods Receipt |
MB54 | Consignment Stocks |
OMJ3 | Printer Determination Plant/SLoc. |
MIAL | Inventory Documents: Read Archive |
MI32 | Batch Input: Block Material |
MB5W | List of Stock Values |
OMCU | Batch Status Management in Plant |
MIQ1 | Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stock |
MI05 | Change Inventory Count |
MI40 | Batch Input: Doc., Count and Diff. |
OMCO | Set Cycle Counting |
MI08 | Create List of Differences with Doc |
OX14 | C MM-IV Valuation - val. level |
OMBS | Reasons for Movements |
M706 | Maintain Output Types: Inv. Mgmt |
OMJ4 | Printer Determ: Plant/SLoc./User Grp |
OLMB | IMG Inventory Management |
MIDO | Physical Inventory Overview |
MI33 | Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balance |
OMC1 | Goods Receipt/Issue Slip Number |
OMJN | General field selection: goods mvmnt |
OMWM | C MM IV Control: Accnt Determination |
MBSU | Place in Stor.for Mat.Doc: Init.Scrn |
MB5K | Stock Consistency Check |
MBGR | Displ. Material Docs. by Mvt. Reason |
MIW1 | Batch I.;PhInDoc f. Consigt at Cust |
OMCJ | Screen Layout: Goods Receipt |
MB5TD | Stock in Transit on Key Date |
MI39 | Batch Input: Document and Count |
MI37 | Batch Input: Post Differences |
OMCP | Dynamic Availability Check: GI |
MB5C | Pick-Up List |
OMCE | Define Batch Level |
MI38 | Batch Input: Count and Differences |
MBBM | Batch Input: Post Material Document |
OMB3 | Create SLoc. Automatically (GR) |
OMBU | Allocate Layout Sets to Reports |
MBAR | Archive Material Documents |
OMBB | Batch Where-Used List |
MI06 | Display Inventory Count |
MI23 | Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material |
OMCS | Activate Batch Status Management |
MN23 | Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt |
MI35 | Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balance |
MIGO_GO | Goods Movement |
MIO1 | Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.:Stck w.Subc |
OMB1 | Dynamic Availability Check |
MIGO_GS | Subseq. Adjust. of Material Provided |
OMB5 | Maintain Print Indicator (GR) |
OMJ6 | Maintain No. Range for GR/GI Slips |
OMJR | Printer Determin.: Message Type/User |
MBSF | Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. |
OMB2 | Create SLoc. Automatically (GI) |
MIS1 | Create Sample-Based Phys. Inv.- ERP |
OMB4 | Maintain Print Indicator (GI) |
MBNL | Subsequent Delivery f. Material Doc. |
MIV1 | Batch I.:PhInDoc Cust. |
MIM1 | Batch Input: Create Ph.Inv.Docs RTP |
OMJ2 | Maintain Phys.Inv.Tolrnce->Employee |
OMCD | Suggest "Del. Completed" Indicator |
OMBG | Set Stock Balance Display |
OLMW | IMG Valuation/Acct Assgt |
MI12 | Display changes |
OMBC | Set Missing Parts Check |
OMBN | Defaults for Reservation |
MBAL | Material Documents: Read Archive |
MB55 | Display Quantity String |
MBSL | Copy Material Document |
MBPM | Manage Held Data |
MB00 | Inventory Management |
MIE1 | Batch Input: Phys.Inv.Doc. Sales Ord |
MB5U | Analyze Conversion Differences |
OMW9 | C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-u.Csts.Pr.Ch. |
MBNK | Number Ranges, Material Document |
OMJK | Number Ranges for Reservations |
OMJI | Set Material Block |
OMB6 | Change Manual Account Assgt. |
MBW1 | Special stocks via WWW |
MBAD | Delete Material Documents |
MIMD | Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data |
OMCM | Dynamic Availability Check: GR |
MIS2 | Change Inventory Sampling |
MBBR | Batch Input: Create Reservation |
OMC2 | Number Assignment for Reservations |
MBXA | Printout of XAB Documents |
OMJA | Set Screen Layout for Goods Movement |
OMCF | Print Label |
MIAD | Delete Phys. Inv. Documents |
PF02 | Cust. Test of Value-Based IM |
OMJ8 | Create Stor. Loc. Automatically |
MB9A | Analyze archived mat. documents |
MI00 | Physical Inventory |
MBSI | Find Inventory Sampling |
M703 | Output: Create Conditions Table |
MI9A | Analyze archived phy. inv. docs |
OMCN | Control BTCI Sessions for Phys. Inv. |
MIS3 | Display Inventory Sampling |
MIS5 | Create Inventory Sampling - Other |
VKU2 | Total Revaluation at Retail |
OMWO | MM-PUR: Purchase Account Mgmt |
MBWO | Error Correction: Subs. Value Calc. |
MBAV | Manage Material Document Archive |
VKU6 | Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Change |
OMCR | Inventory Sampling: St.Mgmt Lvl: WM |
VKU4 | Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material |
MIS4 | Create Inventory Sampling - R/2 |
MN27 | Create message: rough goods receipt |
MN28 | Change message: rough goods receipt |
MN29 | Display message: rough goods receipt |
VKU7 | Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Chn |
VKU3 | Partial Revaluation at Retail |
M710 | Output Determ.: Access Sequences |
WMBE | Stock Overview: Value-only Material |
VKAR | Read Archive File |
VKAW | Generate Archive File |
VKU1 | Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chng |
VKU10 | Correction of Valuation at Retail |
VKU11 | Delete Count Document Items |
VKU5 | Display Retail Revaluation Document |
VKU8 | Test Transaction BAPI Count List |
VKU9 | Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display |
MB5OA | Display Valuated GR Blocked Stock |
OMW1 | RM-MAT MW Price Control |
M704 | Output: Change Condition Table |
M705 | Output: Display Conditions Table |
MPAD | Delete archived materials from AMPL |
MIAR | Archive Phys. Inv. Documents |
OMWG | C RM-MAT MW User Profiles |
OMBO | Assign Forms and Programs |
M708 | Output Determination: Procedure |
OMJE | Exp.Date at Plant Level and Mvmt Lvl |
MIAV | Manage Phys. Inv. Doc. Archive |
OMB9 | Change Document Lives |
MB5A | Evaluate Batch Where-Used Archive |
MB5E | Create Batch Where-Used Archive |
OMJL | Maintain Print Indicator (autom.MvT) |
MPAV | Manage archive for maufacturer parts |
VOK4 | Output Determination: Inventory Mgmt |
OMJU | Gen. field selection, physical inv. |
OMCC | Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt |
WBF1 | IS-R: Stock Overview, Empties |
MB5V | Manage Batch Where-Used Archive |
MB5D | Delete Docs of Batch Where-Used File |
OMBK | Suggest Items Preselected: Reservtn |
WRMA_1 | Revaluation Run RMA |
OMWA | C RM-MAT MW Doc.Type/F-up Csts.D/C |
WBF2 | Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans. |
WSSS | Set Stock Situation |
OMBP | Freeze Book Inventory Balance |
OMWF | C MM-IV User Maintenance |
CRTGDSREC | MIGO entry from Portal |
OMCH | Set Manual Account Assignment (GR) |
OMJS | Check expiration date at goods issue |
OMJM | Comprn plnt/val.area - divis.->BusAr |
OMJC | Generate Phys.Inv.Doc.for Goods Mvmt |
OMJV | Subsequent Calculation of Value |
OMBH | Phys. Inventory Settings in Plant |
OMCL | Inventory Sampling: St. Mgmt Levels |
OMJ9 | Change Manual Account Assgt. |
OMJD | Set Missing Parts Check |
OMJY | GR Field Selec. Fr. Procment (Table) |
OMBF | Control BTCI Sessions for Goods Mvmt |
OMBI | Suggest Items Preselected GR |
OMC4 | BTCI Data Transfer: Inventory Count |
WB5N | Stock in Transit (Consignment) |
OMWK | C MM-IV Authorizations |
OMSB | C MM-BD Special Stock Description |
OMBX | Stock Balance Display |
OMBD | Business Area from MM View |
MRN9 | Balance Sheet Values by Account |
MRF1 | Execute FIFO Valuation |
MRF3 | FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract |
MRN0 | Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices |
MRN1 | Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverage |
MRF4 | FIFO: Select Materials |
MRLC | Transfer Third-Party Data |
OMWE | C LIFO/FIFO Valuation Active? |
MRLH | Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level |
MRN2 | Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate |
MRL4 | Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl |
MRN3 | Loss-Free Valuation |
OMWL | C LIFO/FIFO Global Setting |
MRY1 | Calculate Average Receipt Price |
MRL1 | Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl |
Showing 1 to 264 of 264 entries
Invoice Verification tcodes MM – IV
T code | Description |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
MR21 | Price Change |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MRKO | Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs. |
MR8M | Cancel Invoice Document |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
MIR4 | Call MIRO - Change Status |
MIRA | Fast Invoice Entry |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview |
MRIS | Settle Invoicing Plan |
MIR5 | Display List of Invoice Documents |
MR22 | Material Debit/Credit |
MR90 | Messages for Invoice Documents |
MRM1 | Create Message: Invoice Verification |
MRNB | Revaluation |
OLMRLIST | Maintain List Variant |
MR01 | Process Incoming Invoice |
OLI6BW | Recompilation Appl. 06 (Inv. Ver.) |
MR42 | Change Parked Invoice |
MR08 | Cancel Invoice Document |
MR02 | Process Blocked Invoices |
MR41 | Park Invoice |
MR43 | Display Parked Invoice |
MR03 | Display Inv. Verification Document |
MIRO_WORKFLOW | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_FREIG | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
MIRU_WORKFLOW_VERV | Customizing for Log. IV: Workflow |
OLMRVERDLIST | Maintain Aggregation Variant |
OMR4 | MM-IV Doc.Type/NK Incoming Invoice |
OMR2 | C RM-MAT MR Default Incoming Invoice |
OLMR | IMG Invoice Verification |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
OMRM | C MM-IV Customer-Specific Messages |
MRHR | Enter Invoice |
MR91 | Messages for Invoice Documents |
MRDC | Automatic Delivery Cost Settlement |
MRRS | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
MRBP | Invoice Verification in Background |
MRM2 | Change Message: Invoice Verification |
MRHG | Enter Credit Memo |
MRA3 | Display Archived Invoice Documents |
MR44 | Post Parked Document |
MR00 | Invoice Verification |
MRM3 | Display Message: Inv. Verification |
M812 | Change Message Condition Table (IV) |
M811 | Create Message Condition Table (IV) |
MRM0 | Logistics Invoice Verification |
MRBE | Valuation |
MRO2 | Configuration: IV Lists |
MRA2 | Delete Archived Invoice Documents |
MRM4 | Number Ranges, Invoice Verification |
M813 | Display Message Condition Table (IV) |
MRA1 | Archive Invoice Documents |
MRA4 | Manage Invoice Document Archive |
M802 | Message Requirements (IV) |
OMRN | C MM-IV Carry Forward Price Change |
OMRI | C MM-IV Item Amount Check Parameters |
OMR6 | Tolerance limits: Inv.Verification |
OMRC | C MR Alloc. User/Tolerance Group |
OMRDC | Configure Duplicate Invoice Check |
OMR8 | C RM-MAT MR PO Supplement |
OMRX | Vendor-Specific Tolerances |
M806 | Message Types (Invoice Verification) |
OMRV | Invoice Status Change |
OMRF | C MM_IV Activate Stochastic Block |
OMR9 | C RM-MAT MR Payment Block Reasons |
OMR0 | C MM-IV Autom. Acct. Assgt. (Simu.) |
OMRB | C MR Tolerance Groups |
Showing 1 to 69 of 69 entries
External Services tcodes MM – SRV
T Code | Description |
ML81N | Service Entry Sheet |
AC03 | Service Master |
ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML45 | Display Service Conditions |
ML85 | Collective Release of Entry Sheets |
ML83 | Message Processing: Service Entry |
ML81 | Maintain Service Entry Sheet |
AC01 | Service Master |
AC02 | Service Master |
AC06 | List Display: Service Master |
AC10 | Class Hierarchy with Services |
ME2S | Services per Purchase Order |
ML84 | List of Service Entry Sheets |
ML91 | Stand. Values f. Ext.Services Mgmt. |
ML10 | Create Model Service Specifications |
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 entries
Consumption Based Planning tcodes
T Code | Description |
WR60 | Replenishment: Parameter Overview |
WAHD2 | Change Alternative Historical Data |
WFCS01 | Run Sales Forecast |
WVM2 | Transfer stock/sales figures |
WFCS02 | Delete Sales Forecast |
WVM7 | Assignment of PO Data to Vendor |
WVM3 | Display material data transferred |
WRP1 | Replenishment: Procurement |
OWD1 | Maintain rounding profiles |
WRCK | Store Replenishment: Check Program |
WRMO | Replenishment monitor |
WAHD4 | Delete Alternative Historical Data |
WDRD1 | Determine Delivery Relationship |
WVM4 | Display PROACT data received |
WVM1 | Execute customer replenishment |
WR31 | Replen: Create frcst wghtng profiles |
WAHD3 | Display Alternative Historical Data |
WRPFMM | Replenishment: Forecast (MM-IM) |
WFCS04 | Sales Forecast: Consumption from MRP |
WRSR | Store Replen.: Requirem. Calculation |
WAHD1 | Load Alternative Historical Data |
WR30 | Replenishment: Generate wghtng prof. |
WRP0 | Replenishment |
WRDL | Replenishment run reorganization |
WRFE | Store Replen.: Preprocessing Program |
WVM6 | Customer replen.: Parameter overview |
WRSO | Store Replen.: Follow-On Doc. Gener. |
WAHDC | AHD/PDF Customizing |
WDRD2 | Change Delivery Relationship |
WDRD3 | Display Delivery Relationship |
WDRD4 | Delete Delivery Relationship |
WFCSL02 | Delete Sales Forecast Logs |
MD03 | MRP-Individual planning -Single Level |
MD61 | Create Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD62 | Change Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD63 | Display Planned Indep. Requirements |
MD74 | Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts |
MP30 | Execute Material Forecast |
MDBT | MRP Run In Batch |
MD14 | Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord. |
Showing 1 to 40 of 40 entries
Most Important tcodes in SAP MM
In SAP MM we can list the following most important Transaction Codes.
SAP MM T codes | Description |
ME21N | Create Purchase Order |
ME22N | Change Purchase Order |
ME23N | Display Purchase Order |
ME29N | Release Purchase Order |
ME41 | Create RFQ/Quotation |
ME42 | Change RFQ/Quotation |
ME43 | Display RFQ/Quotation |
ME51N | Create Purchase Requisition |
ME52N | Change Purchase Requisition |
ME53N | Display Purchase Requisition |
MM01 | Create Material |
MM02 | Change Material |
MM03 | Display Material |
MMB1 | Create Semi Finished Product |
MMBE | Stock Overview |
XK01 | Create Vendor |
XK02 | Change Vendor |
XK03 | Display Vendor |
MB21 | Create Reservation |
MB51 | Material Document List |
MB52 | List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand |
MB5T | Stock in Transit |
AC02 | Service Master |
MB01 | Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order |
MB1A | Goods Withdrawal |
MB1B | Transfer Posting |
MB1C | Post Other Goods Receipts |
ME31L | Create Scheduling Agreement |
ME32L | Change Scheduling Agreement |
ME33L | Display Scheduling Agreement |
ME59N | Automatic generation of Purchase Order |
MBST | Cancel Material Document |
ME01 | Maintain Source List |
ME11 | Maintain Purchasing Info Record |
MEQ1 | Create Quota Arrangement |
MEQ2 | Change Quota Arrangement |
MEQ3 | Display Quota Arrangement |
MIGO | Post Goods Movement |
MIR5 | Display List of Invoice Documents |
MIR6 | Invoice Overview |
MIR7 | Park Invoice |
MIRA | Fast Invoice Entry |
MIRO | Enter Incoming Invoice |
ML33 | Create Vendor Conditions |
ML81N | Create Service Entry Sheet |
MMDE | Delete All Materials |
MMF1 | Create Finished Product |
MMG1 | Create Returnable Packaging |
MMH1 | Create Trading Goods |
MMI1 | Create Operating Supplies |
MMK1 | Create Configurable Material |
MMN1 | Create Non-Stock Material |
MMNR | Define Material Master Number Ranges |
MR8M | Cancel Invoice Document |
MRBR | Release Blocked Invoices |
MRIS | Settle Invoicing Plan |
MRRL | Evaluated Receipt Settlement |
OX01 | Assign Purchasing Organization to Company Code |
OX02 | Create Company Code |
OX08 | Create Purchasing Organization |
OX09 | Create Storage Location |
OX10 | Create Plant |
OX15 | Create Company |
OX17 | Assign Purchasing Organization to Plant |
OX18 | Assign Plant to Company Code |
OME4 | Create Purchasing Group |
OMJJ | Customizing: Define New Movement Types |
OMR6 | Tolerance limits: Invoice Verification |
Showing 1 to 68 of 68 entries
See Also :